I'm no expert, I'm not a trained chef, I just like to get in the kitchen and make up stuff. Mostly I like to start with a good recipe I read somewhere and then change it to match my tastes. I really love feeding other people and hearing thier opinions on what flavors work. This is a blog about my adventures in the kitchen (and at my grill)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Pickled Eggs for War

So we are pickling eggs before we head off to Potrero War

For my dearest Captain, I bought a medium jar of peppercini's took them out, leaving the juice behind, and added the hard boiled and peeled eggs.

On a much more home made note: I created a brine from Apple Cider Vinegar and some of my favorite flavors... onion, chilli powder, black pepper, a dash of sugar and GARLIC. I even included some whole garlic cloves and some petite or pearl onions to the jar.

Sealing it up tight, and letting it sit in the frige for 2 weeks till we get to the campsite.

You shouldn't leave them in for too long, they may get rubbery, luckily I don't have this problem with many people in my social circle happy to help eat them. Also, even thought this was a medieval method of preserving foods before the invention of refrigeration, I do not recommend leaving it out. You should always take care to make sure you are not going to have any food poisoning and should refrigerate your eggs.

You would see these in some bars, so serving them with beer is always an option. I've also seen them in a spread of hors d'oeurves with other pickled items and olives. I've even heard of using the leftovers from a party to make an egg salad for lunch the next day.

Please be warned of the after effects!

Resources used in today's blog: